Career Paths
at MAX


MAX is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Whether you wish to work for us or volunteer your services, MAX invites you to explore work opportunities within our organization. Join our dedicated team of professionals who take pride in delivering a vital service to residents in our community. We offer a challenging and rewarding workplace, competitive wages and benefits, and opportunities for training and development. Browse our current job postings and volunteer opportunities below.

We also have several opportunities for those wishing to contribute their time and talents to support their local transit system.

Mystery Riders


Mystery riders are unpaid volunteers who ride the bus with the purpose of evaluating system performance and quality of services against established Authority standards and criteria. Mystery riders are given Evaluation Forms and may be asked to randomly ride the bus routes, or assigned to evaluate certain routes.


Bus Buddies


Bus Buddies are unpaid volunteers who ride the bus with new passengers to help them understand and use the MAX’s fixed bus routes. Bus Buddies help passengers read bus schedules, plan trips, locate bus stops, and actually ride with new passengers until they feel confident to ride the bus alone. This program is for able-bodied persons.




Many of MAX’s bus shelters and bus stops are at locations where there is little or no snow removal in inclement weather. These locations also may require some trash pick-up and removal, or light cleaning of shelter surfaces. Adopt-A-Stop Volunteers clear snow and ice from their assigned bus stops and shelters on a regular basis or as needed.